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March 14, 2025, 7:53 am UTC

Scans for Life LLC 92-3592748 | Government Grant Application

Scans for Life LLC | Application Preview


Scans for Life LLC is seeking government grants to support its start-up and operational costs during its first year. The company plans to implement effective marketing strategies to attract patients interested in early detection of potential health issues, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. The initial clinic will launch in Greenville, SC, with aims to expand to 3 to 5 additional locations within five years.

A compelling reason for funding approval is the alarming statistics surrounding heart disease and cancer in the U.S., where one person dies from cardiovascular disease every 34 seconds. Current healthcare practices often focus on treatment after symptoms emerge, while early detection can significantly enhance survivability and prolong life. Scans for Life LLC aims to fill a gap in the market, as there are only ten similar early detection CT scanning facilities in the country.

The company faces competition from facilities in Atlanta, GA, and Raleigh, NC, but stands out by allowing patients to choose their scans without insurance limitations, making the service accessible to a broader demographic. By empowering individuals to take control of their health and providing them with peace of mind through early detection, Scans for Life LLC positions itself as a proactive alternative in the healthcare landscape.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 92-3592748

    Location: Cumming, GA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $500k to $1M

    Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    The funds will be used for start-up and capitalization during the first year.

  • Business Plan

    Marketing strategies will be employed to drive patients in the door who desire to know early if there is any abnormality in their bodies. As exposure grows, so does revenue. The first clinic will be opened in Greenville, SC with an additional 3-5 more location within the first 5 years. One person dies every 34 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 697,000 people in the United States died from heart disease in 2020 — that’s 1 in every 5 deaths. Cancer was the second leading cause of death, after heart disease, in the United States in 2020. Our healthcare system is complex and focused on treatment AFTER symptoms occur. Unless it is an annual physical or mammogram, you only go to the doctor after you have suffered a symptom or pain. Early detection BEFORE symptoms occur can improve survivability and increase longevity. There are ONLY 10 early detection CT scanning businesses like this in the country: Oklahoma - 2, Texas – 2, North Carolina – 1, Florida – 3, and Georgia – 2. This is a ground floor opportunity!

  • Self Identified Competition

    The closest competitors are located in Atlanta GA and Raleigh NC. Patients are in control of what they want to scan and when they scan They are willing pay for it because there are no insurance barriers to overcome. Price points are conducive for almost any income level. Americans want to have the ability to be proactive with their wellness and know early so they can potentially avoid catastrophic late diagnoses. Early detection provides peace of mind which improves quality of life.

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