U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:04 am UTC

Fairy Godmother's ltd. 842118972 | Government Grant Application

Fairy Godmother's ltd. | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 842118972

    Location: Atlanta, GA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    This funding will be allocated in several places. I have hired two therapists for online therapy sessions for parents who have lost a child and children who are terminally ill. Upon a child's death, we will set aside one extra therapist to answer calls specifically for that emergency. Some of the funding will be used to purchase merchandise to sell for profit for the organization. Merchandise consists of a emergency packet for parents with tools to assist them during a crisis. This packet is free to parents however we will have fundraisers or the money will be allocated to use for this. The merchandise also includes items for sale as a fundraiser. Such as, artwork that children created to help them assist with medical expenses.

  • Business Plan

    In the next five years we will be growing and will open up a facility offering services directly to parents. For terminally ill children there will be a special food diet program. The purpose of this program is to help assist in proper nutrition while the ill children are being cared for. We believe the cure for some illnesses may not always occur, however, love , support, and nutrition is imperative to keep the children happy. 2.0 Business Overview 2.1 Introduction Fairy Godmothers Ltd is specialized in pediatric palliative care, dedicated to add an extra layer of support to the care of children with serious illness and their families. Our caregivers support patients, families and their primary healthcare teams in decision making and advanced care planning, easing pain and symptoms, coordinating home care and address any specific issues families may be facing. Our specialists keep the lines of communication open between families and health care providers, so parents have the information they need to make decisions. Our Mission “To be a lifelong support for grieving parents and terminally ill children.” Pediatric palliative care refers to treatments intended to optimize the quality of life and promote healing and comfort for children with life-threatening illness. Some of the support we provide includes: Optimizing pain and symptom management Advocating family and health care provider communication Coordinating inpatient, outpatient and home care We bring together experts from a wide variety of disciplines in order to care for the children. Our care team includes: Physicians with advanced training in palliative care Nurse practitioner with extensive experience providing pediatric palliative care Other pediatric care specialists as needed Social worker with expertise in psychosocial support and community resources Dedicated pastoral services Who we treat Pediatric palliative care is most often delivered to children who need help managing condition-related symptoms that impose limitations on their life. This includes children who are facing any life-threatening medical condition. Some of the patients the Fairy Godmothers Ltd has supported have had: Cancer Cystic fibrosis Seizure disorders Heart disease Disorders of prematurity Genetic or metabolic conditions 2.2 Legal Status Fairy Godmothers is a Limited Liability Company 2.3 Objectives To finalize the business plan and implement it effectively to ensure defined targets are met To maintain a sustainable growth and increased profitability To provide рrоmрt, сuѕtоmеr-fосuѕеd, quаlіtу palliative day саrе ѕеrvісеѕ To keep families together. Research has shown that parents of a deceased child usually divorce. With continuous psychotherapy in place, we plan to change that. To educate the public. Most people do not talk about childhood death of know what is appropriate to say or do when someone loses a child. The public has no idea about the mental anguish, Trauma, or mental disorders that parents and family suffer from after the traumatic experience To іmрrоvе community health utilizing the most current mеdісаl guidelines and treatments, superior healthcare оvеrѕіght, and provide patient еduсаtіоn аbоut their mеdісаl соndіtіоnѕ To provide great customer services To develop and maintain a competent staff: Developing and maintaining a staff that is capable of servicing the myriad needs of clients is an objective of Joshua Education Services. Attracting professionals with a passion for customer service will place the organization on the path that leads the business to long-term success and viability. Palliative pediatric care especially for children is a serious need. There is not an agency in place that supports grieving parents or children that are terminally ill emotionally. Death is often looked as a good bye. We believe death is a transformation. With comfort, care, consistent nurses, mental health and physical wellness that we privide. We promise to offer hope during the grieving process and after. Our goal is to keep families together. Statistics say that most marriages end after a child dies is a family. Our goal Is to keep families together after and during tragedy.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I don't have any. I have also trademarked specific technical ideas for my nonprofit organization so it can not be duplicated. I offer Pediatic palliative day care services

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