U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 12:26 am UTC

Liory Lumber LLC 2444-1356 | Government Grant Application

Liory Lumber LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 2444-1356

    Location: Wheeling, WV, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I would use this money to upgrade certain tools that aren’t in good shape. Purchase certain tools to make my work more efficient. (More time means more money) I would start to make the next step of finding a building to set up my own wood shop. (Doing it from my house right now can be very inconvenient with having two small children and not much room for storage.

  • Business Plan

    My plan is to set myself up in a personalized wood shop. Doing so would allow me to complete projects much faster (resulting in more money.) This would also allow me to hire employees to take care of simple task that will free up a lot of my time. For example, if I was to have all the wood I need to build already cut to the right lengths. Freeing up those hours will also lead to me having more time. More time for me, means more opportunities to create revenue. I have been talking with an acquaintance who has a finance degree but is very talented in software development . He wants to build me a website. I would start to use more money toward advertising and letting the business get more exposure. I would aim to broaden my variety of work to also accommodate remodeling type of work in houses that will eventually help me down the road when I start acquiring properties to fix up and sell. Possibly even rent out (depending on the area.) Investors should invest in me because the business I have built on my own is climbing rapidly. My work is top quality. The reason for that is because my business was built on passion. The work I do, I would do as a hobby. That’s how it started. My passion for the work led me to create this business. The work ethic I’ve developed in the last decade (working in the deep coal mines of West Virginia) is outstanding. I have successful family (locally) that is known for operating and successfully managing businesses. I truly believe that nobody will put work me or be willing to go to the lengths I’m willing to go to make my business successful. I’ve taught myself everything about my craft. I’m outstanding at following directions and learning a new task. I can’t work well being a team leader and also work well by myself. My business prioritizes family orientation and values direct communication with my customers. I want them to feel like they are part of the team while the project is being built. I want to help bring THEIR vision to life.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I can honestly say there’s not many competitors in my area that offer customized woodworking. The stores locally that sell products i do, are all very franchised and offer no type of customization to their products. They’re strictly retail. Local company’s that sell the products I sell are strictly retail. A customer has no idea who or what built it or the history of the product. That’s not what Liory Lumber stands for. I make it a constant priority to understand what my customer personally prefers. You don’t get that feeling much these days with the way the world is. What I offer is a one of a kind experience that allows a customer to feel like he is somewhat in charge of the project. Therefore, they are not only happy with the results, they feel a sense of accomplishment as well.

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