Gryphon Geospatial Analytics LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 82-1795150
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
To purchase initial capital to run business - 1700 for furniture - 12000 for GIS computer systems and servers - 1000 for storage hard drive - 10000 in GIS software licensing - 3000 for GIS drone for data collection
Business Plan
We intend to expand our clientele to the national level Market our business through social media, commercial business, local government and department of defense industries We offer the ability to provide a service in a professional field that is expanding daily by creating custom and tailored Geospatial Analytics to every business entity and environment available
Self Identified Competition
Our top 3 competitors are ESRI, USGS and NGA These three companies are at the national level, but provide services to federal business and large organizations whereas we not only have the opportunity to work at their level but also at an individual, independent local level with small municipalities. These competitors receive federal funding through the defense budget We are a service disabled owned veteran business operating from our home and we have received no funding from anyone. I can provide my community along with larger organizations with tailored professional services as a business owner and the operating engineer at the same time giving my clients the security and personal relationship they deserve.
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