U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:10 am UTC

Boise Ketamine Clinic 812891133 | Government Grant Application

Boise Ketamine Clinic | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 812891133

    Location: BOISE, ID, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $500k to $1M

    Annual Gross Expense: $500k to $1M

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We would like to expand. We desperately need a parking lot and a 2-3 room expansion or new building to allow for new types of therapy and administrative space.

  • Business Plan

    We are growing now with our ketamine assisted therapy options. Currently the FDA is working with MAPS public benefit corporation to get approval for MDMA and Compass Pathways is working with the FDA to get approval for psilocybin approval. These medications, along with ketamine are the first new thing in 30 years in mental healthcare. We have the team in place to provide these sessions is a legal, supportive way in accordance with FDA and DEA guidelines. We need the space to bring these new life saving medication options to the community. Should these not be approved our ketamine assisted therapy program is expanding at an exponential rate and we could utilize larger, more private spaces for these types of sessions. We have been in business almost eight years. We have grown from a one room clinic with one provider to a five room clinic with a team of 10-15 clinicians and administrative staff. We are all passionate and dedicated to the work we do. Personally in addition to my Masters of Science in Nurse Anesthesia I also completed an additional post masters certificate program specializing in mental health. I then completed a year long training with Integrative Psychiatry Institute as well as the first 100 hour component of MAPS training. As a practice we are collaborative, highly experienced and educated, we have an amazing team. We have a proven track record of providing safe, ethical and high quality care to thousands of patients. We also get referrals from both the St Luke’s as well as St Al’s healthcare systems. We also collaborate with the Emergency Healthcare Responders Center to help this highly traumatized group who is exposed to some very tough emergency situations. We have also worked with the Navy Seal Foundation to treat PTSD and mental health issues. We have a documentary coming out about our work sometime this year.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Boise Ketamine Institute Wonder Medicine I served a 3.5 year term on the board of the non-profit the American Society of Ketamine Practitioners, Psychoanalysts and Physicians. I am considered a leader in the industry and helped to draft the guidelines for safe and ethical use of office ketamine for mental health and pain conditions for the entire industry. Most ketamine clinics do not have psychiatric specialty and not only did I get a separate degree (PMHNP) I also employ many mental health professionals, we have a clinical psychologist, a licensed professional counselor and a somatic practitioner. We offer a much more supportive and collaborative treatment option and are the only clinic to work with insurance, to my knowledge. We are set to expand and have the team to do it, we just need the physical space and parking.

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