U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:54 am UTC

Freeman Home Inspections 605-026-244 | Government Grant Application

Freeman Home Inspections | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 605-026-244

    Location: Deer Park, WA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Funding will be used to purchase a vehicle suitable for conducting home inspections and hauling needed tools and material, as well as marketing to get the business up and running.

  • Business Plan

    Main source for growth will be marketing. The home inspection business is mainly about word of mouth and also google search SEO algorithms. Funding can expedite my efforts and can allow me to turn my single man company into a multi-inspector home inspection business to make a name for myself in Eastern Washington. Have you ever heard of a veteran owned home inspection business? I want to give Veteran home inspectors a good paying job and build a brand for a home inspection business in Washington state so that when people think of where to get their home inspections, they think of Freeman Home Inspections.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The market is flooded with home inspectors, which is why I am looking to set my companies name above the other to help grow this business. Veteran owned and operated. I also provide my clients with a great home inspection report, 90 home warranty, and a recall check on all of their appliances.

  • Contact Applicant

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