U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:45 am UTC

WINEFULNESS 85-2291965 | Government Grant Application

WINEFULNESS | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 85-2291965

    Location: NAPA, CA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I plan on eventually getting a location to teach mindfulness at and Physical education because I have my bachelor in Kinesiology. I will look into providing food and drinks to my clients while educating on the mind, body & soul. I would like to make clothing with my logo on it and sell that as a means of promoting my business and generating income at the same room

  • Business Plan

    I player open up a facility for people to come in and practice mindfulness throughout the day and also in group settings, aswell as physical educational exercises and regimens. I call it winefulness because I can also teach one how o be mindful while drinking wine. They go hand in hand but im more about teaching mindfulness because people recieve that messageof mindfulness through alcoholics anonymous, jails, & detention centers. If we can invest into the communities early with breathing techniques, calming exercises, and how to breathe properly to allow the heart rate to settle down while regaining focus and clarity. I believe we can help humility by being mindful of their surroundings, company, & themselves, ir can be a game changer for the better of our futures & our children's future. I've been Blessed to be able to have taught over a 1000 kids in Napa how to be mindful how not to stress over everything and how to regain focus through breathing techniques and so far so good so now I created wine fulness so I can help adults to the same. We never got taught as kids hung how to breathe how to calm and held for relax and is never too late to teach us societee that needs it more than ever with a pandemic and a national crisis with the unemployment rate dropping that if we teach mindfulness people will be able to help themselves get through some of these things and not go into alcoholism drugs or suicide.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I am not worried about competition because if we all do this more the merrier people need to hear this at a larger scale and it is time to teach people how to be mindful up not only themselves but of people around them and their communities. I wanna change the perspective of how we speak to each other instead of asking what is wrong more seeking what is right and what makes people happy so we can bring out the best of people and not keep tapping into the traumas of what is wrong or what could be wrong. I hope to make a difference in this world because I am a teacher of students that care about themselves and their families and their communities but I see a national crisis of people not caring about themselves and other people and that is not OK for the future of our country. I have the capability of teaching mindfulness to students and adults in English & Spanish while teaching adults about Winefulness in order for them to be mindful while having a glass of wine. The etiquette of drinking wine especially in wine country is relax, sip, enjoy the ambiance, and be mindful and that's why I named my company WINEFULNESS!

  • Contact Applicant

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