U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:57 am UTC

Capts Towing 87-0887877 | Government Grant Application

Capts Towing | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 87-0887877

    Location: Winnsboro, SC, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    These funds will be used to help with fixing the tow truck we have right now. It recently caught on fire so we have to fix it to get back to making money.

  • Business Plan

    In the next 5 years I hope to have more trucks up to when I can start towing 18 wheeler. My business to grow to where I can have more employees so different jobs can be done at once. To have a sub to mechanic shop on to the tow yard so cars can be fixed there after being towed if not totaled out. We are a struggling business that is trying to get back on our feet. Our first toe was stolen out of our yard and was total loss. Early this year we got another tow truck that was older but it did the job. While on a tow the car was drop off and I was on the way back to the tow yard and I noticed the truck was smoking. I took a look under the hood and it was in fire. Now I’m trying to get help so I can get back in my feet and get back to doing what I love.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I don’t really have any competitors. We are works that work together to get Dangerous jobs done. We can call in each other when one is in need of help when a job can’t get done by just that one company. With my company with offer a few different things than the other company’s. Like taking gasoline or diesel fuel if ran out. We offer to take you to your destination if it’s after hours to get a vehicle to the place that needs to be taken to.

  • Contact Applicant

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