U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:29 am UTC

Wildheart Coffee Company 93-2508821 | Government Grant Application

Wildheart Coffee Company | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 93-2508821

    Location: Gillette, WY, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Wildheart Coffee Company requests an amount of up to $110,000.00, to be used for the following purposes: Purchasing coffee trailer (already found and held via deposit.) Purchasing coffee supplies, equipment, and dry goods. Purchasing perishable supplies such as coffee and milk options. Purchasing a commercial-grade espresso machine Paying staff salaries. Company marketing/website development. Paying business permit fees. Paying venue fees/rent. Travel expenses for event vending opportunities. Other starting costs to get the business to full functionality.

  • Business Plan

    Wildheart Coffee Company will promote sales using the following methods: We plan to work locally first with a website as well as providing promotional materials to various events, locations, and businesses around Gillette, Wyoming. Wildheart will also seek to be present at local events and work in collaboration with established businesses to create mutually beneficial relationships. Word of mouth, exposure, and utilization of social media will be key components of our marketing strategy. Goals: Short Term: Break even within a 10 month timeframe and pay off business loan within a 5 year time frame in accordance to market research and conservative sales projections. Long Term: Establish Wildheart Coffee Company as a successful business and expand to a brick-and-mortar location within 3-5 years while retaining a fully-functioning mobile business. At the 5 year mark, would like to expand further to become the only coffee roastery in Gillette, Wyoming and begin wholesale expansion across the city and region. Wildheart truly believes that by offering consistent, quality, and affordable product, the business will continue to grow and thrive. To support this, the owner, Rex Bennett has the following experience in the coffee industry and believes that his prior industry success would be indicative of future success as well. -Overall, Rex has over 20 years of service industry experience with 12 of those years being specifically dedicated to food service and coffee shop experience. -Rex began his coffee career with Switchback Coffee Roasters in Colorado Springs, Colorado, working as a barista and, eventually, an espresso trainer and event coordinator for Switchback Coffee Roasters. In addition to being a barista, Rex also opened/closed/worked as a cook for the cafe, served as a public face for the company, and also developed training programs and public and community events representing Switchback Coffee Roasters. -Rex then transitioned to Till Kitchen in Colorado Springs, serving as the coffee program manager, espresso trainer, coffee consultant, service lead, marketplace assistant manager, and cafe manager for The Roost at Till Cafe. -Rex also served as a shift lead and barista for Case Study Coffee Roasters in Portland, Oregon, working at one of the busiest coffee shops in downtown Portland. -Upon leaving Case Study Coffee Roasters, Rex then was hired as a Coffee Program Designer, Consultant, and Manager for Gluten Free Gem Bakery and Cafe in Portland, Oregon, where he developed the entire coffee program and training materials for the cafe side of the bakery, worked as the cafe and service manager, developed recipes and specialties for Gluten Free Gem in tandem with the bakery, served as head barista, and helped promote social media and marketing for Gluten Free Gem’s cafe. Upon development of the cafe and coffee programs into self-sustaining entities, Rex’s contract expired and the cafe continues to operate successfully to this day. -Most recently but not coffee-related, Rex served as a Bar Lead and external sales representative with Big Lost Meadery and Brewery in Gillette, Wyoming, where he helped to develop the front end of the business, develop specialty cocktails for the bar, and serve as bartender to the meadery’s patrons. He also served as a liaison for external sales to various businesses across the front range and initiated the partnership between Big Lost Meadery and Brewery and the Estes Park Highland Games and Scotfest, serving as both the initial point of contact between the two businesses and also traveling to serve at the event itself as a company sales and service representative.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The primary competitors for the business are the following: Starbucks, City Brew, and The Local Cafe. However, we believe that Wildheart Coffee Company has the following competitive advantages: Craft, quality product versus corporate offering. Lower overall average cost per transaction for higher-quality product Locally owned and operated business More personal and intimate relationships built with local community Options for collaborations with local events and businesses Currently, within a 2-hour driving time, no other 3rd-wave/artisan coffee shops exist. While corporate entities such as Starbucks and City Brew are present, Wildheart's focus on truly artisan product at a competitive (if not cheaper) price point will set it apart from its competitors. In addition, with Wildheart's focus on community development and local business relationships, Wildheart genuinely intends to become a hometown staple for Gillette, Wyoming while working toward growth and expansion of services over the course of the next 5 years.

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