U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:36 am UTC

Bare Bones Construction, LLC 20172930DC | Government Grant Application

Bare Bones Construction, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 20172930DC

    Location: auburn, ME, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Equipment needs: Articulating boom lift $80,000 Trailer to haul boom lift $10,000 Skid steer for installing helical piles $40,000 Helical pile attachment $10,000

  • Business Plan

    With additional equipment, will be able to accept larger jobs and employ workers to meet rising housing demands in the local market. Anticipate hiring a painting crew of 3-4 workers, as well as a deck crew of 1-2 workers. Bare Bones Construction has been in the construction business for 6 years. Each year has allowed for gradual expansion and additional experience. The housing market in this area of Maine is growing and demand for housing construction and repairs is high. The current barrier for additional growth of Bare Bones Construction is the need for proper equipment. We are unable to accept some jobs due to this limitation. Without the proper equipment, we are also unable to hire additional workers (more revenue = more funding for workers). The most difficult aspect of investing in a piece of large equipment is the up-front cost needed before being able to accept the jobs the require this equipment. Most customers are unable to wait for the business to accumulate the number of jobs that would be required in order for a down payment or commitment of this size in the form of a loan. In order to expand, Bare Bones Construction would need investment capital.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Currently, demand is higher than supplier of labor in this area of Maine (Lewiston/Auburn). Bare Bones Construction is a small family-oriented business. We do not take on jobs that we are not equipped to do and our motto is "We Show Up." This means that we are there when we say we will be and we bring our best selves to the job. Our family takes care of your family and we rely on repeat customers. We are not looking to work against our competitors, rather, to meet the need in our community within our means and capabilities. We charge fairly, and are careful not to overcharge. We are all living in a unique period of time and have experienced significant inflation, so tailor our work to meet a customer's need within their means. We believe that fair business practices, quality work, honesty, and integrity are the primary means to build a business and to serve our community. We will continue to operate in this manner regardless of whether or not we are able to continue to expand. We hope, however, to continue to build this team and provide a valuable service to our community.

  • Contact Applicant

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