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September 8, 2024, 1:44 am UTC

Bickford Painting And Pressure Washing LLC 0372831 | Government Grant Application

Bickford Painting And Pressure Washing LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 0372831

    Location: JAMAICA, VT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Grant funding will open many opportunities to grow my business. The usage will be: - Better tools and equipment such as a paint sprayer, ladders, painting drops, etc. - A paint job for the work van, with decals displaying business name and contact info. - Improvements to the website. - Business uniforms, for better attire and a more professional look. - Marketing materials including signs, cards and flyers. - Maintenance and repair costs for equipment.

  • Business Plan

    My plan for business growth over the next 5 years is as follows: - Bolstering the quality of company assets by fine tuning my website and painting my work van. - Purchasing property to live and to work out of. - Creating a structure on said property for storing tools, equipment, and for working in - Assessing the need for employees, and hiring if need be. While Vermont’s economy relies heavily on tourism and vacationing, many of the businesses living here are trade related. So many of these trades are run by and older and retiring generation, and I believe the state is in great need of a younger population of entrepreneurs to replace the older demographic. I am 27 years old, and this is my home. I am planning to live here for the remainder of my life, and I am watching many business phase out, or retire, without many being created to take their place. Trades are becoming less common in time when the younger generation is become tech-focused. I believe I am in a unique position to bring a progressive perspective to the trade industry in Vermont that holds quality craftsmanship at its core, while integrating fresh ideas and modernized practices that will highlight the attractiveness of owning a business to my peers.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Most of my competitors are business that have been established in my area for a long time. They are decades ahead of me in terms of assets and becoming established. However, many of the tradesmen in my field are severely overworked and are unable to keep up with the demand of our trades. While technically being “competitors”, their ability to handle the amount of work being generated is inadequate, and I would not consider them competition, but simply more fit to handle the immense amount of work. Most of the trades in my field are ran by the older generation. Because of this, I consider myself to have an advantage. I am young, my business is growing, and my long term plans and goals are centered around creating a lasting and positive effect on my field and in my community. I have heard many stories from clients regarding their experience with business like mine, and most of them are negative. To note differences: I have a website to streamline my clients’ experience. I answer phone call, and hold quality communication to high standards. I am anecdotally the most friendly, and am told often about how pleasant I am to do business with.

  • Contact Applicant

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