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September 8, 2024, 1:52 am UTC

Iron Wolf Moving 85-3590234 | Government Grant Application

Iron Wolf Moving | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 85-3590234

    Location: Nashville, TN, United States

    Length of Operation: Less than a year

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    This funding will be used for the first month of operation to ensure employees are paid leases are paid and the company has a good solid start with all supplies needed to become successful down the road.

  • Business Plan

    By summer 2021 I plan to have 2 more solid experience employees hired possibly even 6. Within 2 years we will have office staff, management and hopefully upwards of 6 crews running. By the year 2025 we will have a full fledged storage facility consisting of over 80 units providing more income. We also do plan to expand our company to other states and have potential to expand as far as Idaho where I have connections to start expanding in the west as well. This will be a fast growing company with lots of potential for an investor to make money with. The only struggle will be the start of January when the company starts, as employees will need pay even while the company is getting it's name out and advertising. Once our schedule starts filling up and customers understand the quality work, we will be busy and the company will grow fast. There will be opportunities for an investor to front money to hasten the company's growth toward a bigger facility, more employees and equipment, as well as storage. In this industry the more that is put in sooner, the more that comes back later. I am able to provide quality work to my customers at an average price and already have a name in the moving industry from other companies I have worked with.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Fox Moving and Storage. Pros: provide 24hr service 7 days a week with 1 hour notice. Cons: theft, attitude, carelessness for belongings. Also have been known to increase the price at the end of the move. Motivated Movers. Pros: good quality work when the right team is on the job. No minimum hours. Cons: Manager only cares so much about the employees or customer. Desperation for employees causes them to keep bad workers. Move On. Pros: pay for any damages no matter what. Have good connections. Cons: management are not movers and do not have a good training system set for new employees. Learn as you go basics and most good employees have experience from other companies. Lots of marble and glass damages from lack of proper training. The reason I started my own company is to make one different from the rest. One where employees actual trained professionals and not Joe from the street just thrown on the job. I chose to start small, with two employees I fully trust in every aspect of the moving industry. They have both worked with me in the past and I have seen their quality work. As I bring in new employees, I will have a training system in place that will be mandatory before they go to a customer's house. There will be 3 days of videos on how to and not to do stuff. The rest of that week will be followed by days in the warehouse personally trained by me or one of my trainers. Once they complete training they will be put on a three man job as a FREE fourth so they can learn more in the field and be observed and further trained until I or the trainer are satisfied with their work. Only then will a customer pay for them as a professional mover. All other companies do all the training in the field and charge a customer for it. This results in customer dissatisfaction, more damages, improper training and techniques, and hundreds of other issues I've seen. Customers are always satisfied with my work because it's quick, efficient, hassle free, and worry free.

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