U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:21 am UTC

MERRITT-DAVIS Transportation 853597894 | Government Grant Application

MERRITT-DAVIS Transportation | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 853597894

    Location: Greensboro, GA, United States

    Length of Operation: 0

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The amount is to cater the initial costs that include acquiring equipment and meeting the required regulatory needs for a transportation company. Through provision of the funds, the company will be able to start operations and offer trucking solutions to the trading community at large. The amount required will go into the purchase of equipment and meeting of regulatory expenses that are vital for the business to start.

  • Business Plan

    The first phase of the operations process will entail the use of marketing strategies in creating awareness of the company. Through this process, the company will excel in bringing together marketing structure usefulness in attracting new customers. The use of good marketing strategies involves in depth advertising and branding. To make people aware of the service’s, they should have access to widespread promotion. This will be obtained within the first month after establishment of the company. However, a successful branding and provision of a company’s image originates from appealing to structures that work well in delivering services to the customers. It is also a part of the company’s objective to ensure that the culture in the company is able to provide a good environment for people to grow and exercise their professional abilities. Merritt- Davis Transportation, LLC is determined to have better structures than those of the existing companies to help in improving the state of the transport and logistics services. The company is also designed to have steady growth and wide reach in service provision to expand the capacity of customers and services nationally and internationally. As such, the company intends to have notable growth over the next year and have reach beyond the local area. Over the next five years, the company also intends to expand operations in all parts of the country through provision of good services and affordable prices. The intent of growth is not only drawn to profitability, it is also seen through provision of better services

  • Self Identified Competition

    Georgia’s accessibility has made it the number one state to conduct business in the U.S., while ranking it 1st in the country’s supply chain and logistics hub. The companies holding the largest market share in Georgia's freight trucking industry include JB Hunt Transport Services, United Parcel Services Inc., and FedEx Freight. The major competitors for Merritt-Davis Transportation will be startups with a similar number of fleets and are also targeting general freight services. Merritt- Davis Transportation recognizes the existence of other industry competitors and their effect on the performance of the company. Hence, the commercial trucking sector continue to experience growth and the market is fragmented into various options. This diversity in the services available provides a platform for the company to pick areas that have gaps and ensure that they are filled.

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