U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:53 am UTC

The Whimsy Garden Nursery LLC 85-3318794 | Government Grant Application

The Whimsy Garden Nursery LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 85-3318794

    Location: Zionsville, IN, United States

    Length of Operation: 0

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I intend to use this funding to more quickly expand my nursery so that I am capable of achieving my long term goals, which are to provide an educational shopping experienced tailored to help communities become aware and provide for pollinators, especially the monarch butterflies. Until funding is available I will be operating on a very small scale from my backyard, but with funding I can begin building a large greenhouse that allows me to accept more customers without restrictions and create the educational experience that I intend to.

  • Business Plan

    In the next five years I intend to grow my business by participating in as many farmers markets, craft shows and garden club events as I can. I will grow my brand and my customer base, as well as my savings if all goes well, and expand to a larger location when possible. Investors should invest in me because I have am capable of achieving what I set out to achieve and my goals are beneficial to not just the community but also to our environment. With a focus on pollinator-friendly plants and organic growing, I wish to help educate and equip customers to help the pollinators in their own backyards.

  • Self Identified Competition

    My top three competitors are Altums Greenhouse, Allisonville Nursery and Country Harmony Home & Garden Center. Altums is the largest competitor and the closest to me, but also the most expensive. I can beat them in price and one-on-one interactions. Allisonville Nursery is a great competitor because they appear to have a similar mindset as me. The difference that will work out in my favor will be style. While they excel at what they do, I will offer a more whimsical experience and style to my customers. Country Harmony Home & Garden Center is another competitor that has some similar ideas, but again has a different style than what I am hoping to create. In addition, they appear to lack the wide variety of plants that I intend to stock. Although we will all sell plants, I will be providing a very unique and charming experience to my customers that goes beyond just a trip to pick up a new plant or two.

  • Contact Applicant

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