U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:06 am UTC

H&B Hometown LLC H&B Hometown LLC | Government Grant Application

H&B Hometown LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: H&B Hometown LLC

    Location: Twin Falls, ID, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Funding will help take care of initial startup costs, initial operating expenses, remodeling of the interior of the building, marketing, and redesign of the menu and signage of the existing building. These will be initial startup funds and hidden costs associated with purchasing and operating a new business.

  • Business Plan

    We plan to have an aggressive marketing campaign that is focused on multiple populations within our community. 1) We are focusing on a "Blue Collar" lunch menu to target the surrounding businesses for lunch specials and to drive local businesses into our doors. 2) We are expanding a limited catering option to again reach local organizations in our surrounding area. The existing plan is good, but has not been acted upon. 3) Work on a student/parent program with the local schools to support the local community down to the elementary level. 4) Increase our support of First Responders, Veterans, and Military personnel within the community. 5) Become actively involved in our community by taking part financially and with manpower support to activities that support teens in our area. We are actively linked to the Jae Foundation and their Senior Boot Initiative, which raises awareness about mental health and suicide for teens in the local area. I was born and raised in the local area and enlisted in the Marine Corps after 9/11. I later received my commission and served Honorably on Active Duty through 2021 when I was retired. I am 100% Service Disabled and am attempting to give back to my community. I volunteer as a Girls Varsity Basketball Coach, and as a Ranch Ambassador to raise awareness about mental health and suicide with our Veteran and First Responder communities. Since my retirement, I have actively sought out ways to continue to give back to the community that did so much to help me as I was growing up. I feel that the central location of this restaurant/grill is not only in a very advantageous spot for a business, but it is centrally located in an area that is accessible to all of our community. I want to continue to provide an area that locals and those passing through want to utilize, and I want this to become a staple of our community. There are minimal options for people to get together at a family friendly establishment like this at an affordable price, and this location and our plans for expansion will greatly enhance our community.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Gupies: Is a Bar/Restraunt that is in a good location, but has a very limited and targeted clientele. This is more of a bar feel, and later in the evening does not provide the most family friendly atmosphere. Later in the evening, it attracts the activities that we want to stay away from as we try to establish a family friendly venue. This location is approximately 1.5 miles away and does not provide a robust lunch option for surrounding businesses. Artic Circle: 1/4 mile away. A fast food restaurant that provides immediate food, but is not the dine in experience most families are looking for. It does offer cheaper and quicker food, but we are able to provide a more robust menu option, drink options, and a relaxing atmosphere to enjoy your meal and those you are sharing it with. Garden of Eden: Approximately 4 miles away and easy access to Interstate 84. While there are a variety of fast-food options here, this is a truck stop. We are easily located within a seven-minute drive from the Interstate and provide unique and cost effective lunch and dinner options for those passing through. This location is not focused on the customer and experience and tries to get as many people in and out of their doors as possible. We are truly the first family focused restaurant in our surrounding area. We do sell alcohol, but that is not our primary focus as it is with some of our competitors. We also provide an experience where families and travelers can easily access and experience a personable interaction with our staff and a very robust menu. We also look to give back to our community more than our competitors, because we believe that our community is what helped build us and led to our success. We are also advantageously positioned to maximize local and tourist traffic to provide a personable, small town, and friendly experience that people will want to come back to.

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