U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:35 am UTC

A&M Beauty and Wellness 93-1849533 | Government Grant Application

A&M Beauty and Wellness | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 93-1849533

    Location: New Ipswich, NH, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Business start up, product purchasing, financing devices, monthly medical director and rent fees.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow my business with renting a space starting 9/1/2023 in a highly populated location with other beauty industries in my building to share potential clientele. I plan to market online, in person, and with surrounding towns marketing newspapers etc. I plan to attend conferences and several training programs to improve and learn more about my industry. I plan to expand my clientele base working with several surrounding entrepreneurs in supporting one another and participating in events together. I am attempting to open this business as a women owned business, on my own, as a single mother of two. With 8 years of nursing experience and just graduating with a masters degree as a family nurse practitioner I feel as though I have put an expansive amount of effort giving back to the community and I do not plan to stop here. With my degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner I have hopes and dreams of bringing more health and wellness to my community in a time of such need. I see a wellness practice being a high demand practice and that will not be changing in our future. This need is only going to become more crucial, the more providers available to promote health and wellness to our communities, the better this world will be. I am a strong believer in supporting health promotion as well as supporting our neighbors and all of the surrounding small businesses and I find passion in the growth of creating something that I know will make a difference in our world.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I try not to see others as competitors, I find that in this industry it is easy to see other businesses as "competitors" but I feel strongly that we should be supporting one another. Other supporters would be Medical Spas and Wellness Clinics. I see other spas who start up from nothing, although I support this, I feel as though I have an advantage with my extensive experience and training in my field. I have several years of training as well as a high degree to place me in a great business start up position. I also do feel as though going into this with intentions to fully support other competitors and work with them rather than against them will differentiate me as a provider. I have gained a lot of friendships and resources in this industry moving forward with this plan and look forward to continuing to find and build these relationships as I grow.

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