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September 7, 2024, 11:59 pm UTC

giving to the hopeful or hopless foundation 92-3920350 | Government Grant Application

giving to the hopeful or hopless foundation | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 92-3920350

    Location: Smyrna, DE, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I plan to purchase equipment so this can be ran professionally and also bins to be able to collect items so they aren't left in rain and horribly ruined and a very good computer to help take on the run while doing work.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow by business by first and foremost the grace of God. secondy I plan to grow the business by giving and doing exactly what my mission is. I plan to do that by advertising if I get accepted for help financially and by word of mouth as word of mouth is amazing because im also very into meeting people in person. However signs are needed to get out more of what I am doing for the community, for the world and for the people by God grace. I humbly say that investors should invest in me because everything I do is for the Glory of God and to help people. Restoration is needed in America. People are falling on hardships and I will take on the task to help if I just am able to continue this journey with some assistance. I trusted God to start this 2-3 months ago. I live in a two bedroom apartment with my son and we started giving from our own apartment. Giving to the hopeful or hopeless. Those in great need by buying items they need with what little money I had and making kits to help them also by giving much more. one day my son was at school and he came home to no microwave. I showed him and im going to lead an example in this world no matter what we don't have to have it all to give. Giving should be joyfully and I taught him how to trust God that we would be ok without a microwave. I say all that to say if I'm invested in this will go back into the community and keep me afloat as this is my full time job. I have a passion for people and I need help and I have no shame in saying that. This organization I created needs help badly.

  • Self Identified Competition

    My top competitors would just be myself and my own ability to want to continue to lead an example for america but if this means as far as organizations it would be a place like goodwill. What makes my organization differently than others is first and foremost im extremely honored and humbled for anything. I started with nothing but what inside my own two bedroom apartment with my son. While he was in school in June I was giving things from our home. We don't have much but one thing I do have is a strong passion. The difference between other organizations passions and mine is im running this alone I sleep a few hours a day. I have nothing fancy not even a place to store the clothing and furniture donations to get them not wet. What also makes me different from my competitors I didn't start this by wanting any Glory or for my name to be lifted up so highly that I forget who I am just another person in need also. I did this to bring hope back to america and the community. To show them the story of a single mom who has a passion to wanna help others but also humble enough to say she also is in great need herself. It does say this part is optional but I believe its crucial for you to know more about me and my foundation I formed.

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