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September 8, 2024, 1:40 am UTC

Powerhouse Athletics 537024 | Government Grant Application

Powerhouse Athletics | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 537024

    Location: Topeka, KS, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    With going into our second year, we have a a stronger mindset and have more knowledge of what we can do to better our facility and to give our clients more resources to use while practicing and training. With this money we will get better training equipment to help athletes and coaches strengthen their abilities while using the facility. We can also hire more and better coaches to assist the athletes that come. Another big cost for us is advertising. We are still needing help getting our name out and letting our whole community and surrounding areas that we are here.

  • Business Plan

    We would like to offer more than just baseball and softball, which is what we are doing now. We plan to have an actual training/workout area that older athletes and adults can use. Aside from that we want to be able to grow our team organization as well. We are up to 5 teams this year, four of them being softball and one baseball. Our plan is to have not just training resources but also recruitment resources and opportunities to help as many kids get into college. Our goal is not just to be successful for ourselves but to help the youth train to the best of their abilities while also keeping the expenses as low and reasonable as we can offer. Families with multiple children, as myself, struggle getting their kids the help they need and want to help them pursue their love for sports. As a coach, I know that most coaches, especially college coaches, look for athletes and kids that have the will to work. In todays economy, it is hard for families to pay all the fees to give their children everything they want and especially need. With this money we can be sure to help those families as well as take care of our own financial obligations.

  • Self Identified Competition

    SportZone, There space is bigger than ours and they can run leagues out of their space, such as soccer, volleyball and basketball. They do have some baseball and softball trainers. I do feel our trainers are stronger than what they offer, but because of their size they are able to do more. Mammoth, Their indoor facility is slightly larger, and they are currently not open to the public. They have Mammoth Construction that helps with a lot of their expenses. Next Level, This is also a small business, this space is smaller, but has the fitness training that I wish we did have and could offer. We are a small business and have a great potential to offer many different training and other sports opportunities. I was a college athlete and I know what it takes to get to that level. Our goal is to have the best coaches training, we want families to have a place where they feel like they get the whole package, weight training, speed and agility, individual sports lessons, recruitment resources.

  • Contact Applicant

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