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September 8, 2024, 2:09 am UTC

Steamy Design, LLC 7190999 | Government Grant Application

Steamy Design, LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 7190999

    Location: Albuquerque, NM, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I intend on using the funds to pay down debt accumulated during the pandemic when the retail space was shifting dramatically. Now that retail is back open and events and activations are happening again, I plan on using the funds to grow my business into newer technologies and the digital space in which the industry is shifting. I intend on investing in new partnerships with digital agencies, and the software and technology necessary in order to continue to help my clients build out their creative vision.

  • Business Plan

    I have already begun expanding my collaboration and partnership network into more digitally focused agencies and facilities. I have even partnered with a local digital agency here in Albuquerque as I see an opportunity to utilize their strengths in the digital arena with my retail clients. I am also working with a production company based in Los Angeles, CA and an agency in Portland, OR to better diversify my portfolio and reach as technology continues to evolve in the retail space. During the pandemic marketing and branding strategies shifted heavily to the digital / social arenas, but now that events and brick and mortar are back open, brands are working to incorporate the digital/social experience into the real life places such as store fronts, activations, and events. I am building partnerships that can foster that growth, and keep up with shifting trends in the retail and experiential design space. Within a year, I plan on partnering with or hiring a digital / motion designer that can take art direction on projects as needed. I am also taking classes in AI and how to utilize AI in both art and retail experiences both digitally and in real life scenarios. My business is based on partnerships and connecting my retail clients (most I have worked with for over 10 years) with the right resources to build out; in-store brick and mortar, activations or product launches, events such as trade-shows, and full 360 campaigns that incorporate digital social and produced graphics and installations to create experiences for consumers. My retail clients and their in-house creative teams are excellent at coming up with what the brand or campaign will look like, but they do not know how to actually build it. This is where my unique background and skills are utilized. With my vast network of production facilities (which I am constantly growing) I help my clients choose the right facilities to create the experiences they envisioned, and help keep the production within corporate budget by suggesting material or production methods that creatives simply do not know about. Engineers at facilities are not creative, and creative teams do not know how to build anything. I bridge the gap between the two, and bring revenue to production facilities and agencies that I partner with to bring these ideas to life. I am hoping to work with as many local agencies and facilities as possible, if it fits the needs of my clients.

  • Self Identified Competition

    The only competitors in this space would be the largest production facilities, that have over the years seen the model I created years ago, and since built up a creative team with-in the facility. The problem with this is that the facilities hire engineers that do not have the creative vision that I share with my clients. I have worked with these brands for years, and understand the brand at an executive level. Founding and running the first in-house creative team in the production industry at (RR Donnelly) put me in the room for strategy meetings with the worlds largest brands (Sony, Macy's, Samsung, Apple, Netflix, AMC, and many more). As a consultant, I have kept these relationships with brands and facilities alike. Working as a creative consultant for over 10 years has given me the unique ability to see the bigger picture on how to help brands grow their reach and better connect with their target audiences. I have done this by creating a vast network of production capabilities, including everything from digital marketing to in-person experiences. Brands often get pigeonholed into working with certain facilities that might not be the best fit for the desired outcome, simply because it is who they have always worked with. I help open their eyes to what else is available, as they often just don't know. This is unique to the industry, as production facilities will often try to hog all of the work from brands, even if it is not something they are good at. As a creative, and independent from the facilities, I offer an honest opinion to my clients on the best, most cost effective way, to build out these brand experiences.

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