U S G r a n t s . c o m
October 18, 2024, 5:14 am UTC

Ruff Holdings llc 45047 | Government Grant Application

Ruff Holdings llc | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 45047

    Location: Omaha, NE, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    100% of the funding will go directly into the materials and legal fees of starting the businesses. Of course for each business there is a different requirement, and that's something we can discuss once you decide to move forward and invest in me and the future of Omaha

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow the businesses by using calculated marketing tactics that help to build markets and provide the customer with a product and/or service that they want more of. By creating a team that specializes in each aspect of the businesses that I start (marketing, management, public relations etc.), this will allow for a very coherent and steady partnership and relationship structure within each business. In turn, that will spin out a well functioning product and cash flowing asset. One thing to keep in mind is that I'm driven not by money, but by the feeling of helping others. Money is just a way I can help more people. My belief of the future is that society will shift in a way where authenticity and contribution are the real currencies. In a world where money is infinite, the money loses value. So, then we must ask the following question, " What has value?" --- my belief and approach that I'm taking on navigating and progressing the businesses is that "feeling good" while doing whatever it is that you're doing is the ultimate value. The magnitude of the experience is subjective, and it makes no sense to feel bad when going through life, and a way of mitigating that is by helping others.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Currently I have no competitors in Omaha with a couple of these business I want to start. Wet Labs Tissue Culture Service -- currently there are no tissue culture services for the Omaha customer. That can change once I bring it to the market, and when that happens my biggest competitors will be Mulhalls nursery and Lanaha nursery because they are the biggest plant suppliers in Omaha and they already have the infrastructure and business set up. I differentiate from them because a certain portion of my businesses net profits get donated or filtered into the city to help create the best Omaha Possible. Go Cook Food Truck Rental -- This business has no competitors currently. I have yet to find a company that does short term food truck rental. It seems as though people can only purchase a food truck...not rent it for the week or weekend for an event. The only thing I can say that makes me different is the data set and experiences I've been trained on and learned from. Im of the opinion that a majority of people are very similar in that we all have ideas of amazing businesses and whatnot that can help society, but really the only thing that differentiates those that make it in life and accomplish whatever it is that they're going after is that they DO THE WORK. You either take action and get what you want, or you don't take action and you don't get what you want. I think most people overcomplicate the whole understanding of what it takes to get to a desired point.

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