U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:44 am UTC

Port City Hardscapes LLC 83-1941011 | Government Grant Application

Port City Hardscapes LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 83-1941011

    Location: Portsmouth, NH, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    We would use this funding to help expand the business. This would allow us to get more jobs done during the landscape season. a trailer for the tractor would be the first purchase. saving time and money instead of having to get one rented. Another way we would use the funding would be to cover expenses of the business expansion; adding employees and the increase of insurance coverage for them. Lastly we would use the funding for another work truck to allow employees to use the truck while at work to be more efficient with the trucking aspect of the jobs.

  • Business Plan

    We would start off by hiring 1-2 employees. One employee would be on the labor side of their business while the other would be to help with all of the incoming calls, sales and overseeing the job sites. We would need another work truck to help be more efficient with the amount of time given during the work day/season. Allowing the business to expand could almost double the income that is received through the year. My husband worked for his family business for 20 years. After I became pregnant with our first child, he had to make the hard choice of getting extremely underpaid or to go off on our own. Wanting a better life for ourselves and our children he broke away from the family business and we started Port City Hardscapes LLC. My husband is the most honest, hardworking man I have ever known. There is not one person who has met him who hasn't thought the world of him. When it comes to his talents as a landscaper...they are a pure gift. He has an impeccable eye and understanding of hardscaping design in the seacoast area. He truly does beautiful work. All by himself. As nice as it is at times that it is only him getting paid from the jobs, it is also very taxing on his body. We have a third boy on the way and I would love to see our business become what we know it can be. If anyone deserves this chance, this grant, is my husband. He is meticulous, hates spending money when it doesn't need to be spent and understands what he needs to do to get the job done. Not a penny would go to waste in the wrong areas.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Rye Beach Landscaping, GPSM Landscaping, Piscataqua Landscaping. Our business is different from other businesses because it is a one man show (labor sIde). Time is not wasted on the job site. My husband doesn't drink nor smoke. He's personable and undoubtedly trustworthy. Many customers have left their houses unlocked for him to use the bathroom, get water, etc. Although he doesn't because it doesn't feel professional, I believe that says a lot about what the customer thinks about him and the business. With 20 years of experience, there is a lot of knowledge that is untouched by other competitors with such large crews.

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