U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:02 am UTC

Blood Eagle Leather Comoany LLC 93-3132564 | Government Grant Application

Blood Eagle Leather Comoany LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 93-3132564

    Location: Nampa, ID, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    30,000 Branded Product Manufacturing and Importing. 30,000 for a company dedicated non-personal use vehicle for traveling to events and to potential B2B customer locations to show product and have in person meetings with clients. 15,000 for advertising and marketing channels 5000 for a professionally built and designed website. We plan to secure the domain 10,000 product Displays and other fixtures needed for store, warehouse, and shipping. 60,000 for business location rental expenses for first 2 years

  • Business Plan

    Utilizing marketing on social media, and through brand influencers. B2B wholesale. New Product design and development to appeal to end customer. Select a central location in Meridian, Idaho to set up shop and become the motorcycle community’s hub for our branded products as well as other parts and accessories. My wife (business partner) and I have a family of 5 and zero outside help from family or other sources, My wife Aimee is a survivor of an extremely abusive former marriage as well as a heavily trauma filled child hood. We both grew up on the poor side and have been doing everything we can to break the cycle of it into entrepreneurship together. We cannot afford child care for our children for both of us to work at a standard job, and as most Idahoans know it’s rough to get ahead on 2 incomes and we are making the best of it with only one income. We would be able to BOTH be able to more easily provide for and spend quality time with our children (one of which is a toddler). We believe this company as potential to not only provide a income for us, but potentially create jobs for 4-6 more people, even more if growth process is rapid enough.

  • Self Identified Competition

    1. first Mfg Co. - New York Based, Imported products 2. ESPINOZA’S Leather Co. - California based U.S.A. and imported products. 3. Cruisin biker wear -retailer of first Mfg co and other small name manufacturersproducts in Caldwell (potentially a B2B customer we hope to sell to) We know the customer base is always changing and are involved with the community of motorcycle enthusiasts, we know here in Idaho customers would prefer a Idaho based Brand with a retail location as well as a face to see and hand to shake when making a purchase, items available won’t be limited to just vests either we plan to offer motorcycle parts and accessories as well as motorcycle maintenance bay(s) in the future with proper growth and demand.

  • Contact Applicant

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