U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:32 am UTC

TABS IN YOUR HOME LLC 92-2743122 | Government Grant Application

TABS IN YOUR HOME LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 92-2743122

    Location: PUTNEY, VT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I want to utilize this funding to train potential employees so that I don’t take a hit financially. I wouldn’t be able to pay the business or myself if I take the time to pay someone else to train. I also need to purchase some more supplies and get a storage situation for my things.

  • Business Plan

    I want to expand my clientele but I need to hire employees to do so bc I can’t work all of these hours myself. It’s hurting my body and I can’t do it all. If I hire employees and train them properly and effectively, then I will have a team go to homes and clean with a buddy system in check. I am very thorough and a perfectionist and only offer perfect services. Once I get a team in place then I can grow my income by creating more clientele and more employees. I would also like to expand into property management as some of my services extend in air bnb properties. Eventually I’d like to purchase property and create my own air bnbs as well while running my normal home and business deep cleans. You should invest in me bc I am a hard worker with a dream. I take my work very seriously. I started this business pregnant and continued aftertaste daughters birth, bringing her to each job on my back while breastfeeding. I continued to have another baby and did the same with her. It gave me the ability to raise my kids and bring them to work and not pay for daycare. My business has already grown by word of mouth and I have gained respect from my clients due to my vigilance and reliability. I’ve never called out of work. I have honor and want to create a stable business with growth that can expand into more of the county. I offer a loving and respectful service, as each client is family. I care and want amazing things for myself and my business. I believe this business can grow to be amazing and I want my kids to partake in it as well. I have 5 daughters and they all come with me and help and I teach them responsibilities and work ethic. I believe I can be great and so can this business but I need to get over this jump in order to produce less pressure on my body. I need help. I’ve worked through multiple pregnancies, sicknesses and I struggle with fibromyalgia, herniated discs and Lyme disease. This business keeps me in shape and moving and I am grateful for its existence and ai couldn’t imagine my life without it. I want to offer job opportunities to other kids as well and have a stable business where I can support my family and help get other kids to learn how to be responsible. In order for me to do this, I need to hire the proper help and get some other supplies. I am someone you invest in bc I work hard and I never give up.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are way more than 3 competitors. Cleanings services are on the rise and J struggle with clients hiring me bc if my rates being hirer than other companies. My prices are where they need to be bc of my abilities and perfection and reliability. I’ve encouraged clients to go for what they can afford and they’ve always come back. But I also work within a budget to help them achieve what they need. I also offer discounts to the elderly and spend extra time for those in need, something some of my competitors do not do, bc I care. Me. I am what makes everything different and great. I offer reliability and honesty. I am hardworking and a perfectionist. My clients know they can rely on me for anything and I am there for them whenever they need me. I put them first and I enjoy helping others.

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