U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:53 am UTC


RIIGLLUK CREATIONS | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: RIIGLLUK CREATIONS

    Location: Anchorage, AK, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Purchase Technology: 1. Computer and Laptop, printer. 2. Office Supplies 3. Travel Stipends 4. Monthly or bi-weekly payments for myself for work. 5. 2-3 year grant.

  • Business Plan

    I want to be able to open an office space outside of my home. Perhaps rent an office space. I want to be able to hire at least 2 people to help me with this project. My goal is to help open a healing center or at least do healing work in the community working alongside with Western professions. My background is in counseling psychology but I am also a tribal healer. I want to be able to hold classes or workshops to help Indigenous serving entities understand better our Alaska Native cultures. I believe there would be more success in being of service if there is a better understanding. There are so many cultural differences between Western and Alaska Native cultures. Example: Eye contact in Western cultures means you are paying attention, engaging in a conversation, and telling the truth. Where I come from, we do not listen with our eyes, we listen with our ears. A nod when listening is to signify "I hear you. I am paying attention." There is a difference between wanting to spend time with someone and wanting to speak to them. When asked to spend time with them, people seem to think I have something to talk about. Spending time where I come from means being present with one another, we do not need to engage in a conversation. Those are small examples of what I teach. I want to be able to hold workshops to teach cultural differences because Alaska Native people oftentimes are misunderstood and there is a misconception because of our differences. I want to be able to do some consultation with Indigenous-serving entities in Alaska. I want to teach about "Yuguumalleq, the way of the human being" which teaches people certain characters, behaviors, attitudes, relationships with all things alive, and how to govern your people. A university does not teach what I do with my cultural knowledge. My grandfather had a PhD in philosophy. What I know was already peer-reviewed by my ancestors. I want to be able to train people who serve Indigenous people about relationships, inter-ethnic communications, Alaska Native cultures, traditions, and worldviews. When you have a better understanding of a group of people, your success rate is much higher than without an understanding. How can you serve a group of people you do not understand? The universities do not teach that. You could be trained and educated, but how do you know how to connect with the people you serve? There are so many cultural differences between cultures.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I honestly do not know who the top competitors are, but I am in no competition with no one. I just want to be able to be of service. My cultural knowledge. I am considered to be a cultural bearer in the State of Alaska. I also have ancient methods and knowledge passed down through generations not taught at the university level.

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