U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:39 am UTC

Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC 85-3796793 | Government Grant Application

Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 85-3796793

    Location: Freeport, ME, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Funding will go to supporting overhead and enable wider regional client outreach, to support more diverse economic populations and generate a wider client base.

  • Business Plan

    Arbor Vitae Wellness LLC has joined the local Chamber of Commerce and is involved in their community social events. Future growth entails continuing development of a regional clientele through outreach, education, and community relationships. We will generate a stable and consistently diverse client-base to maintain a business schedule that is fully booked out approximately one month in advance, while maintaining the ability to bring in new clients each season. This is fostered through annual outreach plans with quarterly check-ins on status updates and financial trends. We will advance community outreach and advertising via various media, including monthly newsletters to clients, weekly and monthly promotional offerings, social media announcements, website updates, Chamber gatherings, and local and professional community outreach. Arbor Vitae Wellness is exceptional in its field of practice. Not only do clients at Arbor Vitae Wellness feel the benefits during and immediately after their session, but they are also given resources to manage their stress on a day-to-day level; for example through a somatic awareness of their breath and tension in their body as it arises. At Arbor Vitae Wellness we strengthen the resilience of our local and regional social infrastructure by diminishing physical and cognitive stressors. An investment in Arbor Vitae Wellness through this grant proposal is an investment in the wellbeing of all community members throughout Cumberland County and beyond.

  • Self Identified Competition

    In the healthcare and wellness fields, our focus is on the client and helping them live their best life. It does not serve them to fight with other competitors in the field. It serves them to provide various community resources i.e. different practitioners, and it is good that we have so many. Arbor Vitae Wellness brings a rich understanding of neuroscience, developmental psychology, eastern mindfulness practices, and more to the application of massage therapy and wellness. More than just a fad, Arbor Vitae Wellness educates its clients on the real benefits of 'wellness' and gives them tools and cognitive resources they can bring back into their daily lives. Clients are empowered to live more embodied and mindful lives so they can relieve stress as it arises on a day-to-day level. We help clients have real transformative experiences. Through massage therapy and wellness work we help clients enter a deeply calming and somatic experience which relieves the chronic effects of stress in their body. We meet clients where they are at, each and every time. Each client is not only unique, but each day they present in a unique way and Arbor Vitae Wellness meets them there, each and every time to support them in their wellness journey. Arbor Vitae Wellness is helping support somatic awareness on a local community level. Support includes for: - Chronic muscle tension - Overall wellbeing - Physical effects of psychosomatic stressors - The physical psychosomatic effects of PTS(D) - Sleep disorders - Cancer/post-op treatment - Depression & anxiety - Blood pressure regulation - And much more. The work at Arbor Vitae Wellness helps clients from all walks of life find deeper meaning and connection in themselves through a deeper awareness of their body. We literally help people get in touch with themselves and discover the benefits and joy of living with more mobility and ability!

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