Eureka Mentorship | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Eureka Mentorship
Location: Newport News, VA, United States
Length of Operation: 11plus
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: More than $10M
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
1. Food $21,000.00 2. Incentive Gifts $1400.00 3. Miscellaneous $2000.00 Total - $37,000.00
Business Plan
Expand the mentoring from Elementary school to include both middle and high schools. Increase the number of trainings for the Eagle Fatherhood Academy. Do an end of year celebration for Dads of the schools that had All Pro Dad Breakfasts. Invite others Dad as an incentive to get involved. The three-leg non-profit of Mentoring, All Pro Dad Breakfasts and Eagle Fatherhood Academy will reduce the crime rate, reduce the death rate of our youth, increase high level graduation from high school and increase more males going to college or the Military. Reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and or abortions. Reduce human trafficking and slave labor. This is the greatest blessing to our City is to reduce the rate of crimes of family on family. Raise the level of respect of citizens for police and police for citizens. A better use of our tax dollars.
Self Identified Competition
There are no competitors of All Pro Dad Breakfast in Newport News, Virginia We produce results that support HEALTHY families in Newport News, Virginia. The off-spring of All Pro Dad Breakfast has vibrated in other states.
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