U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:05 am UTC

Babin’s Garage Doors & More LLC 44418991K | Government Grant Application

Babin’s Garage Doors & More LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 44418991K

    Location: Prairieville, LA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    Payroll, garage doors, garage door motors, springs and other misc part, auto maintenance repairs, taxes, insurance

  • Business Plan

    I would like to be able to retain employees, hire an accountant, increase my marketing and advertising, pre buy garage doors, motors, springs and misc parts so that I can build inventory for my business. I believe the garage door business has potential to grow and succeed in my area and surrounding areas due to the influx of homes and subdivisions in these areas.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Chads Garage Doors Cajun Overhead Doors Precious Garage Doors I’m a small business and I have low overhead. I personally prefer to work on each job as to ensure the job is done correctly. I currently have an employee that has great potential but I’m struggling to keep him due to slow business. I have many great reviews in the short time I’ve been in business. I will never try to sell my customer something that isn’t needed just to increase revenue . I treat the small jobs just as seriously as the big jobs. And I treat my customers as I myself would want to be treated.

  • Contact Applicant

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