U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:16 am UTC

Fletcher's Floors Fletcher's Floors | Government Grant Application

Fletcher's Floors | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: Fletcher's Floors

    Location: Buena Park, CA, United States

    Length of Operation: 11plus

    Number of Employees: 26-50 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $1M to $10M

    Annual Gross Expense: $1M to $10M

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We plan to use this funding to accelerate sales, which will bring more work to our employees, current and future. We currently do 3M per year, and have a comprehensive plan to get that up to 10M within the next 3 years. The initial grant of 1M will support new hires, training, materials purchases for the first year. After year 1 Fletcher Floors will be self sustaining.

  • Business Plan

    We are creating SOPs from the owner's and Field Manager's 30 years of experience to reduce waste and streamline our productivity. We have secured a consulting firm to make sure we do this right the first time, in the least amount of time. By creating SOPs we will increase profit per job, and be able to reinvest the profits into our sales and marketing team. We are reducing undesirable effects in our workplace and increasing each employee's personal responsibility. Investors would like our Business model and Motto. We work in construction, where people are often treated unfairly, or just downright cruelly. At FF we strive for a calm, safe, and respectable work environment. No yelling, no fighting, no cussing; we are based on mutual respect throughout the contracting process. The hope is that if we can show our competitors, customers, and other companies we work for, that we can be successful with kindness and appreciation, with our commitment to employees' mental and physical health, we can encourage others in our industry to treat each other in a humane manner.

  • Self Identified Competition

    My top 2 competitors are money-driven. They want the money to be at the top and have no regard for the employees at the bottom. They will overwork, yell at, and demine their employees to gain productivity and profits. FF wants to be able to compete and advance over our competition with care and kindness at the forefront. FF is different than our competitors in that 1. We care about and are proud of our quality. And 2 we care about our employee's well-being first. We lead with the carrot and not the stick. (Which is difficult in a construction mindset where our new hires have been so abused, that they take years to trust that we are here for them first. They are the important part and the hardest working part of our environment and deserve respect instead of threats)

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